Discover the purpose behind our mission!

The purpose of Gospel Publishing Mission is to reach the world with the Gospel through literature. GPM was established in 1990 by Joe Taylor and became part of FEA Ministries in 1994. You can find out more about FEA Ministries here.
GPM produces books and resources using International English. International English is a limited vocabulary of 1,500 English words. A large percentage of the world’s population understands basic English, and GPM is at the forefront producing evangelistic material that they can understand, and be introduced to the light of the Gospel. We also produce bi-lingual versions of some of our books.
Gospel Publishing Mission now has books in at least 217 countries around the world, and over 3 million books that have been printed. We have books in practically every country of the earth.
Gospel Publishing Mission started with a dream and a vision, but has proven that “little is much when God is in it.” Millions of books have been printed and millions are yet to be printed in the future. GPM is supported by individuals and churches who realize that the powerful impact of the simple printed page will win people to Christ. Each dollar that is contributed will help to make it possible to distribute the Gospel around the world.

Learn more about the history, mission, and vision of Gospel Publishing Mission by viewing this series of videos.

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